Star Wars or Scripture? Volume 2 (Episodes I-III)

Star Wars or Scripture? Volume 2 (Episodes I-III)

GOLD members pay $3.57

Test your students’ knowledge of Star Wars and Scripture in this screen game. 10 questions and 1 tie-breaker from Starwars’ Epi-sodes I-III.


Star Wars is trending everywhere. Awaken students’ attention with this game. This is a PowerPoint-based screen quiz testing students’ knowledge of Star Wars and Scripture. 10 questions and one tie-breaker from Episodes I-III of Star Wars.

Resource Includes:

• Complete PowerPoint game file

• Expanded questions & answers document for adding or substituting questions to the Powerpoint file (Word file)

• Individual games slides (jpeg files)

Find James’ Hunger Games or Scripture? game in the DYM store by clicking here:


James Hauptman