Star Charades

Star Charades

GOLD members pay $4.39
Get the whole crowd acting out items from a galaxy far, far away in this Star Wars game!


We've all acted like we were in a lightsaber battle at one time, right? Now you can get the whole crowd acting out prompts from the great movie franchise, in a galaxy far, far away. There are multiple variations of gameplay included, but the premise is still the same. Have a few contestants on stage where they cannot see the screen. Show the slide with the movie prompt and have the rest of the crowd act it out. Then your contestants guess. Simple! There's great music and videos included--watch and see the crowd come alive!

Get the whole crowd acting out items from a galaxy far, far away.

This Resource Includes: • Complete package of videos (.mp4 files) to drop into your presentation software. • Title and Instruction videos (.mp4 files) • Alternative ProPresenter 6 file (ready to run) • Individual (12 rounds + Title) game slides (jpeg files) • Gameplay instructions and variations (Word file)


Ken Leslie