Standing at a Crossroad

Standing at a Crossroad

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This 4-week series looks at events from the last week of Jesus's life, encouraging students to consider which path they will choose to take.


"Standing at a Crossroad" is a four-week series that looks at several different stories from the last week of Jesus's life. Four people were standing at a crossroad. They had to decide what they were going to do with Jesus. Would they choose to follow Him or go in the other direction?

This is a great resource for the Easter season. Each of these messages could be used as a part of the series or as a standalone study.

Message Topics:
(1) Palm Sunday Christians
(2) Following at a Distance
(3) Playing Games at the Foot of the Cross
(4) I Doubt It

This Resource Includes:
• Four message manuscripts
• Four small group discussion guides
• Title and blank presentation slide graphics (jpeg files)


Tim Medley