St. Paddy's Day Jumble

St. Paddy's Day Jumble

GOLD members pay $3.57

Leprechauns love three things: the color green, riddles, and pots of gold.


If you're looking for an easy game to open or fit in the midst of your programming the week of St. Patrick's Day, this is the one! It's a simple "word scramble" game themed around St. Patricks and the color green.

Leprechauns love three things: the color green, riddles, and pots of gold. Solve the most "riddles" by unscrambling these St. Patrick's Day & "green" words to win the gold!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
If you're looking to go a bit extra with this game, give your students St. Patrick's Day squeaky toys (dog toys) to have them buzz in to answer.
Tyler Ash

Tyler Ash

Tyler Ash - A Haiku Married, 4 children Student Pastor - +20 years Community love.