Spooky Season Emojis

Spooky Season Emojis

GOLD members pay $5.20
Fall is in the air - which means Spooky Season is upon us! Spooky Season Emojis is a screen game with 10 rounds of Halloween-themed emoji fun to get your youth group ready for fall.


In this screen game, a slide of emojis will appear. Your contestants/crowd will guess what the correct Halloween-themed phrase is.

Gameplay Options:
OPTION 1 - King of the Hill Style: Have two contestants up on stage. The person who correctly answers first stays on stage. The losing contestant leaves after that round, and the host invites a new contestant to challenge the winner. Play the game until you have answered all 10 rounds for your champion or however many rounds you would like to play! 

OPTION 2 - Crowd Participation: Everyone plays! The first person to run to the stage with the correct answer wins that round.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title video (mp4 file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
You can also play this game with or without prizes. Because it is a seasonal game, you could even give out fall-themed prizes, which could be fun! Some prizes could be candy, apples, little pumpkins, fake spiders, Halloween costumes, squash, gourds, pumpkin candles, etc.
Amanda Freeman

Amanda Freeman

Amanda (Mandy) has worked & served in Youth Ministry for the last 8 years in the OC, where she loves teaching students how to use creativity to serve the church. She now leads a 7th grade small group & loves creating DYM content!