Spiritual Things

Spiritual Things

GOLD members pay $8.12
A four-week series about God's role for us in the interplay between the spiritual and physical.


Whether we want to admit it or not, there are unseen forces at work. It's not always popular to admit it, and the world may try to ignore these forces or simply try to explain them away as just chance or karma. But the truth is, the unseen world is real, and Jesus and much of Scripture gives us a behind-the-scenes look at what is actually happening and why.

In this four-week series, students will discover God's unique role for them in the interplay between the spiritual and physical. They will be challenged to look within and allow Jesus to do the deep and lasting work of spiritual regeneration and renewal.

This thematic 4 Week journey will cover the following big ideas:

Week 1 - The Upside Down Is Real (There is a spiritual world at play.) Week 2 - What's Under The Surface (Overestimating Our Own Goodness)
Week 3 - It Has a Name (Sin's Dark Secret)
Week 4 - It Might Be You (We Are All Susceptible to Hypocrisy)

This Resource Includes:
• Graphics (social media, presentation templates, and logos)
• 4 weeks of teaching manuscripts
• 4 weeks of small group guides and handouts
• Sermon bumper


James Sabin

Husband, Dad, and DYM Superfan.