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SoulFood is a creative take on a “Would You Rather”-style game. Perfect for small group time, icebreakers, or really anytime you just need to get people talking, this game is the perfect download, load in, and GO style game.


SoulFood is a creative take on a “Would You Rather”-style game. Perfect for small group time, icebreakers, or really anytime you just need to get people talking, this game is the perfect download, load in, and GO style game.


Sometimes we just need a well-designed, yet simple to run segment in our program to lighten the mood of the room. This resource can do just that. Topics that cover food and the desire of one’s heart is an excellent way to trigger laughter and community.

Have students group up and take turn answering the questions. Another variation is to call up one student, turn their back to the crowd, and have them try to guess how the majority of the crowd voted. Prizes can be awarded for correct answers! Lastly, try this game as a "mixer" style and have the players switch partners every round to encourage new friendships.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete PowerPoint game file
• Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files
• Title slide (jpeg file)


Brock Odell


John Lindsey

John is the Creative Director of Student Ministry at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY.