Sloppy Joe's Recipe Remix

Sloppy Joe's Recipe Remix

GOLD members pay $3.57
In this fun screen-driven game, students will choose which one of Sloppy Joe's interesting food recipes is the best. No tasting is required.


Avocado Milkshake? Chicken Noodle Burrito? Anything goes at Sloppy Joe's new restaurant! Your students will help Sloppy Joe choose which unique recipe is better in this fun food-themed game. But be warned, these aren't your normal recipes. 

For each round, students will be given two unique recipes and will have to choose which one they like better. To make this game engaging for the entire room, get all your students to stand up and go to the middle of the room. Then, for each round, have them go to the left side of the room for the recipe on the left and the right side of the room for the recipe on the right. 

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Blank slide for customization (jpeg file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
Since this game resembles a "this or that" game, you can play it in various ways (with the entire crowd, with your students seated, or even bringing up a few on stage). To get your students actively moving, try having everyone stand and go to the left or right side of your room based on their answers. Take it even further, bring some of the food from the game, and have your students try it!
Gavin Bogan

Gavin Bogan

Gavin is a Kids Development Pastor at a church in Phoenix, AZ. He helps create kids content for their weekend experiences. He is an avid Star Wars nerd and chocolate chip cookie connoisseur.