Six Foot Artist Battle

Six Foot Artist Battle

GOLD members pay $3.57
Can your students draw? Can they draw using a marker attached to a six-foot pole? Let's find out!!!


This game is inspired by the famous board game, Pictionary.

With many youth groups planning to meet in-person, this game will be a great icebreaker.

The title is a play on the phrase ‘social distancing.’. However, "six-feet" (or two-meters) does not apply to the distance between teammates or competitors.

For this game, six feet is the length of the pole in which a marker is fastened to and used to draw the required picture.

Players compete by trying to draw very simple objects with a marker attached to a 6-foot pole.

Laughter and fun will be had by all by who participate in this fun game.

This Resource Includes:
• Gameplay instructions (Word file)
• Title image (jpeg file)
• Supply list lnks (Word Doc)
• Graphics for social media

Matt Baker

Matt Baker

Campus Pastor at Hope City Church in Edmonton, AB, and aspiring WWE Champion (not really).