Signature Move

Signature Move

GOLD members pay $5.52
Guess the celebrity from the autograph!


We all want to leave a mark… but if it’s illegible, what’s the point?! In this video-driven game, contestants must try to determine which celebrity the signature belongs to. A simple concept, but harder than it seems! Great for identifying future doctors in the room!

This Resource Includes:
• 23 videos (.mp4) – 11 Q & A sets plus Title Bumper Video
• 27 slides (.jpg) – 13 Q & A sets and a Title slide
• PowerPoint file

DYM Team

DYM Team

Llama-tested, youth ministry approved! Resources by the DYM Team are trench-tested, high-quality, and stand up to the DYM L.L.A.M.A. standards: Looks great, Laughs guaranteed, Actually used in real youth groups, Made with love, And...we ran out of things for the acronym but you get the point.