Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue

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A 5-week series centered on the teachings of Jesus about God as our rescuer.


I am willing to bet that at some point in your life - even if it was as a baby - you needed to be rescued. (As a dad of 2 young toddlers, I can confirm they need to be rescued often!) But on a spiritual level, we all are lost and need to be rescued. 

Jesus told the Pharisees this much in Luke 15 when they questioned His choice in a company of sinners. He responded with some of His most famous parables: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. 

While a few of the lessons dive deeper into each parable, the series is designed with young Christians in mind to help them better understand God as our rescuer. 

Week 1 - We all need to be rescued from our sin.
Week 2 - God is always seeking us (even if we aren't seeking Him).
Week 3 - Everyone is valuable and worthy of rescue.
Week 4 - Even at your lowest, God welcomes you into His family.
Week 5 - Once rescued by Jesus, we are always safe with Him. 

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This Resource Includes:

  • 5 ready-to-go teaching manuscripts (Word Doc)
  • 5 small group discussion guides (Word Doc) 
  • Title, main idea, and blank slide graphics (JPEG) (MP4 title only)
  • Title, main idea, and blank social media posts (JPEG and MP4)
  • Title, main idea, and blank social media stories (JPEG and MP4)
  • Some suggested activities and object lessons (in manuscripts) 

Note from Author

About this Product
This series was originally used for a 5-day summer camp.
Author Profile Picture

Justin Wilson