Risk It (Volume 2)

Risk It (Volume 2)

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An interactive screen game where "Shark Tank" meets youth ministry... again.


What is RI$K IT:
An interactive screen game where ""Shark Tank"" meets youth ministry. ""RI$K IT"" is an ‘every man for himself,’ Survivor-style game. Think about four corners but with a twist – instead of moving to a corner, every student in the room has their fate in their own hands….literally. In “RI$K IT,” students make investments into different products to get ahead of their peers in the journey to become rich. It’s fun, ridiculous, creative, and gets every student in the room to engage with the stage and with the people around them. Are they willing to RI$K IT?

Gameplay Rules:
This is a crowd game where everyone is looking out for themselves and only themselves. The goal of the game is to make it to the end of the game with ANY amount of wealth. “Wealth” is symbolized by the number of fingers that a student is holding in the air. When the game starts, every student starts with five fingers in the air. Each round, students will have the opportunity to invest in one of two products. Investing in some products will add to their wealth (fingers), while some products will make them lose wealth (fingers). If a student ever has zero fingers left, they are OUT! If a student ever reaches 8+ fingers, they are considered RICH (and will have specific prompts throughout the game). If a student doesn’t have enough wealth to invest during a particular round, they must sit out that round until they are able to invest in a future product.

This Resource Includes:

  • Gameplay instructions document (Word file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Instructions video (mp4 file)
  • Individual (10 rounds + interruptions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Remember, the goal of the game is to simply survive with any amount of wealth. There will not be ONE winner; there will be many winners.

Brock Odell