Renew Your Mind

Renew Your Mind

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In this one-off message, students will be challenged to break free from the world's influence by the renewal their minds through knowledge of and obedience to God's Word.


This one-off message will reveal to students that from as early as we can remember, the world has been trying to shape us into its mold. The world has been trying to get us to think in opposition to how God thinks and live in opposition to how God lives. When we become "born again" believers, we receive new hearts, but our minds and habits stay mostly the same. Our new heart gives us new desires, but it does not give us a new way of thinking. The new way of thinking God desires for His children only comes from becoming disciples of Jesus and His Word.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete message manuscript (Word file)
  • Small group guide (Word file)
  • PowerPoint presentation file
  • Blank content slide (jpeg file)
  • Individual presentation slides (jpeg files)
  • Social media promo graphics (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

James Sabin

Husband, Dad, and DYM Superfan.