Rebellions: Built on Hope

Rebellions: Built on Hope

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A 3-week Star Wars-themed series about rebelling against culture while hoping in Jesus.


In "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," protagonist Jyn Erso powerfully said that "all rebellions are built on hope." In this three-week series, your students will explore the hope the people of Israel had while looking forward to the promise of the Promised Land and the Messiah. This hope gave them the courage to rebel against a sinful culture, regardless of what it would cost them. The final week focuses on Jesus, the Messiah, coming, and the hope we have looking forward to His return. That hope ought to lead us to rebel against sinful culture, too.

This Resource Includes:
• 3 Teaching Guides (word-for-word message manuscripts)
• 3 PowerPoint files for each message
• 3 Small Group Lessons
• Series graphics

Jeff Selph

Jeff Selph

Jeff is the Campus Student Pastor at The Chapel in Libertyville, IL. He and his wife Sarah have been married since they were 19, a fun fact that students find more fun than parents. Together, they have two sons.