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An epic race around the room for your entire group!


What is "Race Track"? Start your engines! “Race Track” is an all play crowd game where everyone can get involved. Equipped with an instructional video, all you need to do is press play. The instructional video will teach you how to play the game alongside your students. Then, you'll be off to the races!

Gameplay Rules:

  1. Watch instructional video.
  2. Have students spread out around the border of the room and decide which direction they should be racing in (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  3. Play a round. Each round has a video and each video will end with a question for your students to answer.
  4. Once all students have answered the question, reveal the “Results Slide” to find out what your students' actions must be for the following round.

Important Note: The winner of the game is whoever completes the most laps. Students keep their own score. Because of this, the game MAY or MAY NOT have an overall winner, which is fine, because it's the journey that makes this game fun!

Resource Includes:

  • Instructional video (mp4 file)
  • Gameplay instructions (Word file)
  • Individual game (10 rounds) videos (mp4 file)
  • Individual results (10 rounds) slides (jpeg file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
Embrace the chaos. This is going to be fun!

Brock Odell