QRP Quarterly Review and Preview

QRP Quarterly Review and Preview

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Complete a Quarterly Review and Preview of your student ministry with this helpful guide.


As youth workers, it's essential that we are intentional with how we plan the programmatic and discipleship trajectory of our student ministries. A QRP (Quarterly Review & Preview) is an incredible tool created to give youth workers the chance to review their previous quarter while strategically planning for the upcoming quarter. This guide will step you through a series of reflective questions that will get you thinking, get you praying, and get you planning to make your student ministry the best it can be.

This can be used as your own review or, if you're not reviewed, it can be a self-review.

This Resource Includes:
• 8 Tips for a successful QRP (Word file)
• QRP worksheet (Word file)

Arthur C Woods

Arthur C Woods

Arthur served as a youth pastor for 10 years before starting his own Teen Coaching business.