Preschool Pictionary 2

Preschool Pictionary 2

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Preschoolers can draw some amazing and confusing pictures! Can your students guess what the preschooler drew? Get everyone moving and play this game ""4-Corners""-style or get some contestants on the platform with you to see who can decipher the drawings best!


When a preschooler proudly brings you a picture of something they drew, you often have to act super impressed and be complimentary before asking, ""What is it?""  In this screen game, students will see a preschooler's drawing that could be many things, then use the multiple-choice answers to guess what it is!  

We played this game ""4-Corners""-style, where all your students move to designated corners of the room to choose their answer, but it could easily be played with a few contestants on the platform trying to get the highest number of correct answers.

Much of the fun is when students see the correct answer and suddenly have a complete understanding of what that preschooler was thinking while drawing the pictures!

We used this game and referenced back to it as we talked about Philip and the Ethiopian asking ""How can I understand it unless someone explains it to me,"" challenging students to use their words, actions, and lives to make the gospel clear to the world around them.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (11 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide


John Nugent

John Nugent

Husband, Dad of 4 Boys, loving the youth ministry adventure!