Pray for Us: A Prayer Guide for All Your Ministry Trips

Pray for Us: A Prayer Guide for All Your Ministry Trips

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Encourage your entire church to pray for your next youth ministry trip! This is an editable resource that provides a way for your next camp, retreat, mission trip or event to be prayed for in specific and powerful ways.


Prayer is vital. An entire church body supporting teens is vital. We hope this prayer resource helps you connect the two. This resource includes tools to help your church pray for your teens as you head to any trip or event like camp, a mission trip, or a retreat. Connect what your whole church body to what God is doing in your youth ministry through a simple prayer signup AND/OR send prayer requests via social media before, during, and after the trip. 

In this resource, you will find graphics, a church email template, prayer request for each time slot, examples, and instructions on relating your signups in multiple ways. Connect your whole church to what God is doing in your youth ministry! This is an editable resource that provides a way for your next camp, retreat, or event to be prayed for in specific and powerful ways.

This Resource Includes:

  • How to Use This Resource document (Word file)
  • Graphics for church screens (jpeg files)
  • Graphics for social media (square and story) (jpeg files)
  • Sample church email (Word file)
  • Sample prayer requests (Word file)
  • Prayer template example spreadsheet (Excel file)


Note from Author

About this Product
"• Ask for some stage time to promote your prayer ministry. This helps your church connect personally to what God is doing in the ministry. • For next-level impact and connection, when you announce this opportunity, have a student share an experience from a previous trip. • Make a QR code and include it in your announcement slide. If you don’t know how to make one, Google will help you."
Todd Pearage

Todd Pearage

Todd and his wife Lynda have created a ministry for youth pastors and spouses called The Youth Leader Oasis.

Kyle Fulks

Kyle lives about an hour northwest of Philadelphia. His other passion at church is leading worship. He enjoys going on dates with his wife, playing with his daughter, exercising, and chillin outside. He is a huge DC United fan as well. The ideal vacation involves the mountains, a lake, a hot tub, and a hammock.