Pop Culture Christian Devotional

Pop Culture Christian Devotional

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A 30-Day Devotional highlighting the gospel message found in some of pop-culture's greatest stories and movies: Marvel superheroes, the Star Wars saga, and Harry Potter.


A 30-day devotional focusing on the gospel message found in some of pop-culture's greatest stories such as Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Marvel movies. Included in each day is a section of Scripture to read, a full page devotional message, and 3-4 questions for your students to answer and think about. This can be given out to your students who are movie buffs, used on a movie-themed retreat or event, or broken up into individual short messages to share with your group. Either way, this 30-day devotional will use the culture of the world to bring your students closer to the Kingdom of God. Note: this devotional series will primarily be of interest to students who are fans of Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter.

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete 30-day devotional (Word file)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Matthew Eyler