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This screen game will get your entire audience engaged and debating in no time! It's a fun game to get students discussing their favorite things about Christmas and why their favorite is the best.


This screen game will get your entire youth group engaged in conversation in no time! What's your favorite Christmas movie: Home Alone or Christmas Vacation? Would you rather drink cocoa or egg nog? In this game, students guess which Christmas-themed item they think received the MOST votes from an Instagram poll.

Gameplay Options:
1. Stage Contestants: select contestants to come up on stage and guess which answer they think is the winner.
2. All Play: students walk to the side of the room that represents the answer they think is correct to the poll question. The losing side of the poll has to sit down, and play continues until there is only one student left standing at the end.
3. Bring students on stage and have them debate for which item they think deserves more votes.

This Resource Includes: 

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Alex Hall


Andrew Randolph