Want to add a dash of Thanksgiving flair to your gathering? Introducing Picture This – Thanksgiving Edition, a high-energy, Thanksgiving-themed game designed to ignite laughter and team spirit in your crowd.
Here's how it plays out: Participants will be split into teams, and each team will send a contestant to the front of the room. The contestants will either close their eyes or wear blindfolds. A Thanksgiving-themed word will then be displayed to the audience, who will have 15 seconds to strike a pose that encapsulates the word.
Once the time is up, everyone must ""freeze"" in their pose while the contestants have 30 seconds to guess what the word might be based on the poses. The first team whose contestant guesses correctly wins the round!
This video-based game comes with excellent visual graphics, a built-in countdown timer, and high-energy music to make your students excited, engaged, and, most importantly, laughing!
This Resource Includes:
- Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + tiebreaker) game videos (mp4 files)
- Complete PowerPoint game file