Party Countdowns

GOLD members pay $6.82
Hype up your camp session or service with these party-themed countdown clocks. You'll get four countdowns (different colored backgrounds). As a bonus, you get two 60-second timers (different colored backgrounds) for use in your upfront party games.


Doug's note: This is definitely for starting something with an up-beat feel... personally, I love this!

Hype up your camp session or service with these party-themed countdown clocks. You'll get four countdowns (same countdown look and feel with different colored backgrounds). As a bonus, you get two 60-second timers (different colored backgrounds) for use in your upfront party games.

This Resource Includes:
• Four 5-minute countdown videos files with different colored backgrounds and upbeat audio tracks (mp4 files)
• Two 60-second timer videos with different colored backgrounds and audio tracks (mp4 files)

NOTE: This is a large file (1.7Gb), so make sure you're on a great internet connection to download!

Matt Brumfield

Matt Brumfield

I’m passionate about pressing at the edges of what we’ve always done and seeking how we can faithfully step out of the boat to see the Kingdom of God move forward.