Parenting Techies Workshop

Parenting Techies Workshop

GOLD members pay $8.45
This super packed workshop has everything you'll need to give parents the upper hand when it comes to helping their kids navigate eGadgets!


Parenting Techies is a robust resource! It’s very thorough, detailed, contains tons of practical content, and Jonathan is an excellent writer. It’s essentially a workshop for both churches and schools to help teach parents how to keep their kids safe online.

This workshop walks parents and grandparents through the built in parental settings of iOS and Android as well as apps to help protect their children. A video camera can be set up to a projector to demonstrate each step. This also allows the ministry leader to show on the screen how to do things parents may have questions about.

There is a 1.5-hour version and 3-hour version. The 3-hour version allows more interaction and goes through popular apps with potential risks. To best get a synopsis of the workshop, take a look at the handout.

Included in this workshop bundle to youth workers:

    • 37 page Transcript (with suggestions and background info, editable)
    • Strong Graphic Handout to promote workshop (editable)
    • PowerPoint (editable)
    • Video for use in workshop
    • Promotional fliers: Full page, half page insert, & PowerPoint slide
    • Promotional video (may need to be edited for your use)

Author Profile Picture

Jonathan Cronkhite