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Parent Support Lessons: Four Content-driven lessons to equip, encourage and partner with parents.


Encourage parents as they disciple their kids with these four 'Parent Support' lessons.

Our role as the church can be to come alongside and support parents as they disciple their kids. If we truly partner with parents, we will see greater things happening in the lives of the kids and students we work with!

How to Use:
• At the end of your next camp/retreat parent meeting add a Parent Support to the content of the meeting.
• If you do announcement videos, add a Parent Support to the end of your video for a quick win.
• Go big: create a whole parent meeting around one of the 4 topics. Use the content as a conversation starter and have meaningful dialog with parents. Getting parents talking with other parents is helpful to build community. I love when parents say, “Were not alone in this.”

This Resource Includes:
• Four 'Parent Support' lessons
- Moments Matter
- Be Present
- The Power of Listening
- Time
• Graphics for each Lesson (jpeg files)


Bobby Cooley