Parent Ministry: Four Reasons NOT to be the Cool Parent

Parent Ministry: Four Reasons NOT to be the Cool Parent

GOLD members pay $5.20
A worksheet about the pressure or expectation to "be cool" with your kids.
Platinum, Gold+, Gold & Silver Only


Some parents think being cool is a necessity for good parenting. A lot of dads and moms try to be their kids’ friends and ensure their kids are never uncomfortable or feel pain. They think that if they’re cool, their kids are going to like them – and that that’s the definition of good parenting.

Unfortunately, this is setting their kids up for hard lessons and potential failure in the future. Here are 4 reasons NOT to be the cool parent.

For more parenting resources like this, check out

How to use:

  1. Attach the one page to your next parent newsletter

  2. Print and have available at your next parent meeting

  3. Create a resource hub in your space for grab and go parent resources

  4. Create a monthly “parent equipping” (separate from newsletter) video explaining how to use the one page.

  5. Give to students to bring home to parents

This Resource Includes:

  • PDF Worksheet (2 pgs)
DYM Team

DYM Team

Llama-tested, youth ministry approved! Resources by the DYM Team are trench-tested, high-quality, and stand up to the DYM L.L.A.M.A. standards: Looks great, Laughs guaranteed, Actually used in real youth groups, Made with love, And...we ran out of things for the acronym but you get the point.