One to Stay One to Go Away Summer Edition

One to Stay One to Go Away Summer Edition

GOLD members pay $3.57

A screen-based game where students see two summer-themed items and have to decide which stays around and which ceases to exist.


Let the debate begin as students pick one of two summer-themed items to be erased from existence forever.

Here's how it works: Each round, two Summer-themed items will show on the screen. Students get to discuss, debate and decide which item will continue to exist and which will go away forever, never to return again. It starts with classic debates (cats or dogs, donuts or ice cream) but gets a little odder with each round (cell phones or deodorant).

There are several ways you can play this game.

Screen Version: (via PowerPoint, or some other presenter program):
• Pull up two students each round and have them face off debate style. Let the crowd vote on the winner.
• Do a poll with each round. The majority wins and moves on to the next round.
• Divide into teams. Have teams decide together on a choice. The most team votes win the round and those teams get a point. Most points after 10 rounds win.
• Just throw up the slides and let the students discuss/debate. No winners, just great interaction.

Mobile “Story” Version:
This version is one you can use on the Story feature of Facebook or Instagram.
• Just for fun! Let the polls roll on your story periodically or altogether. Have everyone participate and vote.
• Set up for your next meeting: set up a few of these images as a poll the day before your event. Then, use the last slide to promote your next gathering. You can even share (and debate) the results at your event, whether live or online.
• Allow Feedback. If you want to create interaction on your story, follow up the poll with the same slide, but this time select the “Question” feature and write “DEFEND YOUR ANSWER:” in the question box.


This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Mobile Story version with individual (10 rounds + instructions) game slides formatted for social media Story features (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).