Old Wives Tales

Old Wives Tales

GOLD members pay $3.57
We've all heard them; "old wives' tales" are superstitions or traditions that we believe may or may not be accurate. In this screen game, your students will read some old wives' tales and decide whether they are true or false!


We've all heard them; "old wives' tales" are superstitions or traditions that we believe may or may not be accurate. In this screen game, your students will read some old wives' tales and decide whether they are true or false! The one with the most right answers wins the game. 

You'll be surprised by the ones that are actually true... and caught off guard by the ones that are wrong!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions + tiebreaker) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
I love having everyone play; they hold up a hand and use one finger or two to answer true or false - if they're wrong they sit down. The last one standing wins!
Matthew McNutt

Matthew McNutt

Matthew and Heather have been in full time youth ministry for over twenty years. He is also a speaker, author, and ministry coach. They have four sons ranging from 15 to 22 years old, which means the majority of their time is spent buying food and replacing broken furniture. You can find all of Matthew's DYM resources here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/featured-authors/matthew-mcnutt/