Official World Records

Official World Records

GOLD members pay $3.57

Do your students know how tall the tallest man is? Do they know the record for the longest hair? What about the biggest pizza? Well, this multiple-choice screen-game allows your students to compete over some official world records. 


Official World Records are incredible, fascinating, and sometimes weird. In this multiple-choice screen-game, your students will have to guess the correct achievement that landed them in the Official World Record Book. 

This Resource Includes:

  • Sidekick 'Presenter' game file 
  • Complete PowerPoint game file 
  • Individual (11 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files) 
  • Bonus slides with pictures of the current record holder (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)
Todd Pearage

Todd Pearage

Todd and his wife Lynda have created a ministry for youth pastors and spouses called The Youth Leader Oasis.