NXT Level Living: A Middle School Series

NXT Level Living: A Middle School Series

GOLD members pay $8.12
A 3-week series that explores the “lost and found” parables of Luke 15 through the lens of video games.


One of the over-looked audiences in our ministries is gamers… don’t overlook them any more and use this series to speak their language.

Life sometimes feels like a video game in which you're stuck on the same level. And because of sin, we're all playing a game that can't be beaten. In this series, we spend time in the “lost and found” parables of Luke 15, drawing out what God does to take us to the next level in the game of life.

Here is a quick overview of this series:

Week One: “Player Two Enters the Game”

How Jesus brings us home, as told in the Parable of the Lost Sheep. (Luke 5:3-7, Romans 3:23-24)

Week Two: It's Dangerous To Go Alone

How the Holy Spirit brings out our better selves, as told in the Parable of the Lost Coin. (Luke 15:8-10, Romans 12:2)

Week Three: “From Game Over to Homecoming”

How the Father wants to meet us where we are, as told in the parable of The Prodigal Son. (Luke 15:11-32, Romans 8:38-39)

This Resource Includes:

• 3 weeks of message notes in manuscript form
• 3 weeks of small group questions/challenge cards
• 1 curated Spotify playlist
• 1 intro video
• 1 main graphic
• 1 graphic for slides
• 6 Instagram graphics
• 6 graphics formatted for Instagram stories


Sam Pettersen