Nursery Rhyme Police Report

Nursery Rhyme Police Report

GOLD members pay $3.57
This screen game is a fun take on classic nursery rhymes. You’ll read a police report and participants will use the clues to correctly identify the nursery rhyme.


Doug's note: VERY clever... who thinks of stuff like this? Wow!

This screen game is a fun take on classic nursery rhymes. You’ll read a police report and participants will use the clues to correctly identify the nursery rhyme.
There are a few suggested ways to play this game but do whatever works best for your group setting.

This Resource Includes:

  • Gameplay instructions document (Word file)
  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)



Jakob Kerlin

Jakob is the student ministries pastor at Victory Church Philadelphia. He is a father of 2 who loves (good) music, loves students, loves to prank, and really loves Jesus. His life motto is "if it weren't for Venetian blinds, it'd be curtains for us all!"