No Fear Learning to Live Courageously

No Fear Learning to Live Courageously

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This two-week series looks at how to fight fear that often plagues students and challenges them to take hold of their identity and learn to live as courageous followers of Jesus.


No Fear is a two-week series that looks at how as followers of Jesus, students can step up to their fears. It's obvious when reading the Scriptures that God calls His people to face their fears and to live strong and courageous. The more students step up to fear and live courageously, the more they will live as the brave people God calls us all to be. This series helps students to learn to live courageously and live as the people God's called them to be. Let's learn to fight fear together!

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript for each week (Word file)
• Small group guide for each week (Word file)
• Graphics package with title, background, social slides (jpeg files)


Ben Lock

Ben is husband, dad, campus minister, and author! He loves backpacking, adventuring, photography, and graphic design. Basically, getting to see the creative beauty of Jesus and then getting to be creative.