Next: Gifted and Called

Next: Gifted and Called

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As students learn that they are called to join God here on earth in his master plan to renew and restore all things, we hope that they will begin to value themselves, their decisions, and the rest of humanity.


Our students are extraordinary! We believe that this is true, even in the midst of their pain, mistakes, and general adolescent drama. And that is the beauty of our gracious God- the he not only can use us for his glory, but he has chosen to give gifts to his people so that they can be fully alive as his image bearers. As students learn that they are called to join God here on earth in his master plan to renew and restore all things, we hope that they will begin to value themselves, their decisions, and the rest of humanity.

Our students will wrestle with questions such as:

• How do I define success?
• What am I passionate about?
• What does God want me to be or do?
• What are my gifts?

During this series we will introduce the term “Royal Priesthood” to the students. This may seem a bit archaic, but it might also resonate with stories from popular culture that seem to capture the imagination. If students are really ready for a life worth living and are tired of sitting in rows and only hearing about the faith, then this is a title that will stir their hearts and minds. We draw from the picture of Jesus, the servant King and Priest, who we are still talking about and emulating over 2000 years later. We call students into their role as co-heirs with Jesus, partners in making all things new in the here and now.

We have given you several tests and inventories to have your students fill out and immediately you might think, “Yuck! Tests!” Before you toss these out consider that it is our experience that kids love anything that is about themselves, so we encourage you to do your best to lead them through this process. So much of our relationship and how we connect with God has to do with our identity and personality, and so it is fun to explore this arena with students.

The great news is that you can refer back to these. Spend extra time where you feel they are resonating and We strongly recommend that you create a box where students can write down and submit questions as you go along. It’s very likely they will be addressed at some point in the series, but this way you will know where your students are at in the process and you can tailor the lessons to them.

We are sure you can add to this list. We also know that there are not pat answers to any of these questions that will satisfy students long term. The most effective way to answer them is to allow students to experience the truth for themselves through a number of means. We strongly recommend that the curriculum prompts that include scripture, prayer, and discussion be utilized, but all that is up to you.

One of our foundational beliefs is that the Holy Spirit does the work of convincing. We encourage you and your team to lean into that belief as well. Our job is not to argue anyone into the Kingdom or to berate another’s beliefs, but to present better questions, the testimony of people, and the scriptures.

This Resource Includes:
• Student Leadership Meeting
• Four Topical Lessons with Small Group Questions

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DYM Team

DYM Team

Llama-tested, youth ministry approved! Resources by the DYM Team are trench-tested, high-quality, and stand up to the DYM L.L.A.M.A. standards: Looks great, Laughs guaranteed, Actually used in real youth groups, Made with love, And...we ran out of things for the acronym but you get the point.