Never Have I Ever - Camp Edition

Never Have I Ever - Camp Edition

GOLD members pay $3.90

Ready for some laughter, bonding and a competitive walk down memory lane about all things “camp?” Snag this for your program or retreat!


Kick off your program or camp with this competitive game that'll have your students laughing, bonding, and sharing unforgettable memories. Introducing ""Never Have I Ever - Camp Edition!"" This exciting and interactive screen game is tailor-made for youth groups wanting a fun icebreaker about camp season. 

The gameplay is simple: everyone holds up five fingers and puts one down in each round when whatever is shared is true of them. The last person standing with one or more fingers up wins!

The best part? All of this creates conversation within your group. about every triumph, mishap, and unforgettable moment, be it midnight hikes and campfire memories to epic talent show performances and snack food. Your students will be on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting each revelation. 

So bring some laughter and connection to your youth group with all of this. The walk down memory lane alone will be worth it as it further strengthens ""remember when..."" camp connections that can last a lifetime!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (32 rounds + instructions + 3 tiebreaker rounds) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)

Note from Author

About this Product
We love using this to kick off our program the week before camp to get everyone excited or right when camp starts to help campers laugh about previous experiences.
Tony Myles

Tony Myles

Tony Myles is a ministry veteran, personal coach/consultant, conference speaker, teaching pastor and author who leads a next generation movement and leadership development at Riverside Church in Big Lake, MN. He's also raising up future leaders as an adjunct professor at Crown College... and he really like smoothies.