Name That Color

Name That Color

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
This seemingly easy, surprisingly difficult video-based game will throw your students for a loop. Contestants see a video of colors flashing before them. When it stops, they have to say the color that is INSIDE the word.


This seemingly easy, surprisingly difficult video-based game will throw your students for a loop.

Students will see a video of colors flashing before them. When it stops, they have to say the color that is INSIDE the word. Our minds process the written word over the actual color that we see. SOOO FUN!

Have contestants face-off and go head-to-head facing the screen. Here are some ways I do this:

•First to scream it out (this is the best way with this game) •First to ring a buzzer app on a phone •First to slap the table •First to raise a hand

Make sure that whatever comes out of their mouth first is their answer. For example, ", RED!" is not accepted.

I like to give colored Jelly beans to the winner of each round.

A rainbow wig would be a hoot for the host of this game!

This Resource Includes:
• Title intro video (mp4 file)
• Individual (10 rounds + tiebreaker) video slides (mp4 files)
• Complete PowerPoint (static slides) game file
• Individual (10 rounds + instructions + tiebreaker) static game slides (jpeg files)
• Title slide (jpeg file)


Anthony Taylor


Allison Williams Scholarship