My Best Friend For Youth Group President!

My Best Friend For Youth Group President!

GOLD members pay $3.90

Get ready to debate, vote, and elect in "My Best Friend for Youth Group President!"—no electoral college required!


Get your group fired up to debate and cast the only vote that matters in ""My Best Friend for Youth Group President!"" 

It's super interactive: First, a student nominates a willing friend to compete against other nominees on the stage. Next, each shares their plans and vision on hard-hitting issues like ""Make roller coasters great again!"" or ""Share your plan to make food and snacks at youth group better."" Then, the audience has all the real power by deciding who advances in this race for the title. 

The good news? There is no electoral college math to worry about. You can either tally up who wins the most rounds or (if playing in a big group) only keep 50% of the top candidates each time until you get down to the final two.

Who will make it to the final debate? It’s time to rally the crowd, secure the majority, and watch one candidate rise to the top of the youth group ballot!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 rounds + instructions + winner) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Play some fun music for the winner as you award him/her with a fun symbol of their victory. You can also play this over the course of a couple of weeks, with an incumbent defending his/her title against new challengers.
Tony Myles

Tony Myles

Tony Myles is a ministry veteran, personal coach/consultant, conference speaker, teaching pastor and author who leads a next generation movement and leadership development at Riverside Church in Big Lake, MN. He's also raising up future leaders as an adjunct professor at Crown College... and he really like smoothies.