Mosaic Small Group Series

Mosaic Small Group Series

GOLD members pay $8.12
This is a 6-week small group series about giving God all the pieces of your life.


Mosaic is a 6-week small group series about giving God your brokenness and letting Him remake you. It is about giving God all the pieces of your life.

Biblical case study: Abraham and Sarah.

Major themes: brokenness, Biblical worldview, idols, faith, restoration, and sharing your story.

Each week includes big idea, leader prep & training, plenty of discussion questions, prayer prompt ideas, a challenge, and follow up ideas. The series also includes a graphic and would make a great camp, retreat, or sermon series theme!

This Resource Includes:
• Title graphic (jpeg file)
• Entire series has 6 weeks of small group curriculum (Word files)

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: