Mission & Misunderstanding: A Series in the Gospel of Mark

Mission & Misunderstanding: A Series in the Gospel of Mark

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Mission & Misunderstanding is a four-week series that pulls straight from Mark 6:6b-Mark 8:21. This series focuses on Jesus' disciples being sent out on mission, and their (sometimes) lack of understanding of who Jesus truly was.


Mission & Misunderstanding is a four-week series that pulls straight from Mark 6:6b-Mark 8:21. This section in the Gospel of Mark reveals Jesus’ mixed reception by those in Nazareth. The disciples are sent on mission, where they are active in the mission of Jesus. Up to this point, they are just present with Jesus as He performed miracles and teaching. Now, the disciples had an understanding of who Jesus was, or did they?

This section of Mark also includes the feeding of the 5,000 and the feeding of 4,000, along with Jesus walking on water, teaching inner purity, and other miraculous healings. 

There have been many sermons written on these stories, and individually they contain great lessons, but when taken in the larger context, a deeper understanding of being on mission and understanding who Jesus really is can be achieved.

[Be sure to check out the series How to Be a Disciple, which follows this same approach in looking at Mark 8:22-10:52.]

Week 1 - Sent Out by Jesus
Week 2 - What Jesus' Mission Looks Like
Week 3 - Redefining the Rules
Week 4 - Understanding Jesus

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This Resource Includes:

  • Series overview document (Word file)
  • Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
  • Small group guide for each week (Word files)
  • Graphics (title and content slides - jpeg files)

Jake King