Mission: God's Mission, Our Calling

Mission: God's Mission, Our Calling

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A 6-week small group curriculum about God's mission on earth and our role in that mission.


The heart behind this small group curriculum is that students would recognize that God is on mission to restore our broken world, and we—as followers of Jesus—have a part to play. This means our lives matter. We have a reason to live! We are not simply waiting out our time on earth so that we can eventually die and go to Heaven. God does not want part-time churchgoers, but full-time partners in the renewal of all things.

The hope is that this curriculum will spark fruitful conversation around the fact that we are called to partner with God on His mission.

For each week, you'll get the following things:
1. A weekly quote (for the leader to use or not use).
2. A big idea statement that summarizes the week's topic of discussion.
3. Passages of Scripture.
4. Questions related to the passages of Scripture.
5. Discussion questions relating the Scripture to students' lives.
6. A prayer and/or journaling exercise.

The topics of the six weeks are as follows: Week 1: God is a Missional God
Week 2: The Heart of God (For the Vulnerable)
Week 3: Partnering with God in His Mission
Week 4: Mission of the Church
Week 5: Our Part in God’s Mission (What has God called you to do with your life?)
Week 6: Our Part in God’s Mission (What has God called you to do today? Serve!)

This resource includes:
• discussion questions
• scripture
• prayer and/or journaling prompts


David Beavis