Doug's note: Strong! A ton of content here... you could stretch this into a 5-week series if you wanted. Love it!
This is a three-week series taking a look at the prophecy and message of the book of Micah. "The Poor Man's Prophet," Micah was an advocate and defender of the weak, the poor, the struggling, and the abused. During the time of the divided kingdom, the political leaders, (false) prophets, and priests of Judah may have been claiming to still follow God, but their actions told a different story. Each of these groups abused their status and power to take advantage of those God had entrusted in their care to lead.
Week One: Truth and Lies. Looking at chapters one and two, this week's lesson both introduces who Micah was, as well as highlights the sin of the people in listening to the false prophets - those who told them what they wanted to hear, rather than those who told them what they needed to hear.
Week Two: Judgment and Restoration. Tackling chapters three through five, this week's lesson asks the question of whether or not there is sin too big for God to forgive. Even in the midst of the atrocities that were happening, there is a thread of hope in Micah.
Week Three: Justice and Mercy. Looking at Micah 6:1-8, God's covenant lawsuit against the people of Judah, students are asked who they are trying to please. Has God transformed their hearts or are they simply looking out for themselves?
This Resource Includes:
- Complete message manuscript for each week (Word files)
- Bumper video for each week (42, 42, and 48 sec) (mp4)
- PowerPoint presentation file for each week
- Student handouts (both blanks and filled-in) for each message, including discussion questions (Word files)
- Series graphics (jpeg and png files)
- Series resources and sources document (Word file)