Messes and Miracles

Messes and Miracles

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A four-week resource on the life of Moses, showing students how God turns messes into miracles.


Editor's note: This is a really good series. Well-written, practical, and full of great assets.

Doug's note: Sabrina constantly creates quality content for our DYM audience. Solid!.

Messes & Miracles is a four-week, all-inclusive teaching series on the life of Moses and the role of the Holy Spirit in his life. It’s both extremely practical and Bible-heavy. .

Students will be able to relate to God’s miraculous plans being accomplished through ordinary, broken people. We want to encourage students in their own messiness and embolden them to step into God’s call on their life to bring the gospel to the world through the Holy Spirit. .

In this resource, you'll get tons of great illustrations, games that actually go with the message, response-time activities, great small group discussion questions, high-quality graphics, and even a parent discussion guide! Plug this series into your scope and sequence to help your students develop both a deeper understanding of a major biblical character AND how to be used by God despite their weaknesses. This series appeals to both the seeker and the seasoned believer..

Week 1: Moses in the Basket
Bottom Line: You are a miracle.
Exodus 1:6–22, Exodus 2:1–10

Week 2: Moses the Murderer & The Burning Bush
Bottom Line: Your biggest miracle could be on the heels of your biggest mess.
Exodus 2:11–25, Exodus 3:3–10, James 5:16

Week 3: The Exodus
Bottom Line: Put your limitations in God’s hands and see that His power is limitless.
Exodus 3:11–19, Exodus 4:1–17, 2 Corinthians 12:9, John 16:7, John 14:12–14, Exodus 4:19–31

Week 4: Wilderness Wandering
Bottom Line: Messes don’t disqualify you from making a mark.
Exodus 16:1–3, Exodus 19:1, Exodus 24:18, Exodus 31:18, Exodus 32:1–4, Numbers 13:27–32, Numbers 14:22, Numbers 13:34, Romans 5:1–5

This Resource Includes:
• An overview document
• 4 2,500+ word manuscript sermons
• 4 teaching outlines
• 4 small group discussion guides
• 4 student fill-in-the-blank note sheets
• 4 PowerPoint Presentations
• Graphics: title slide, weekly theme slide, background image, and Instagram graphics
• 4 game ideas and explanations
• 4 response-time ideas
• Parent email and discussion guide

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: