Manna from Heaven

Manna from Heaven

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This one-off message links God's provision of manna to the Israelites with His provision of Jesus for us today.


Doug's note: I will be re-teaching this one! God's provision can be a hard topic to teach to teenagers.

The Israelites needed manna from heaven -- they were dependent on God for the literal bread to live on. This lesson parallels their experience of dependence on God in the desert physically with students' need for Jesus as their "Bread of Life" spiritually. This one-off message could easily stand alone. It could also be used in a series about Moses, the Israelites wandering in the desert, or the Book of Exodus in general.

This Resource Includes: • Complete message manuscript (Word file) • Complete small group guide (Word file) Pro Tip This message could easily have a tie into your church's beliefs about communion. The perfect spot for this is pointed out as a leader note in the manuscript. Price 4

Allison Williams


Jordan Floro