Love the Lord With All Your Mind

Love the Lord With All Your Mind

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A one-off message to help students grasp what it means to love God with their minds.


Our students have likely heard Jesus’ command to love God with our hearts, souls, and minds. We often focus on the first two aspects, but how often do we help students understand what it means to love God with our minds?

In this one-off message, equip your students to grasp what it means to love God with their minds. You’ll begin with the Old Testament account of Solomon, and connect the dots between “minds” and the concept of “wisdom.” Next, you’ll use New Testament passages about the Bereans (Acts 17:10-12), and the contrast of the sinful mind vs. reliance upon the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:5-6) as examples to teach students how they can love God with their minds.

This Resource Includes:
• Complete message manuscript (Word file)


Taylor Bird