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An 8-station interactive worship experience that is designed to help students slow down and listen to where God may be speaking to them.


Editor's note: well done and great value.

This 8-station interactive worship experience that is designed to help students slow down and listen to where God may be speaking to them.

Inspired by Jesus' teaching in John 10 for His sheep to know, listen and, follow His voice, you will set up eight unique "listening stations."

Station 1: GIVE ME A VERSE - God speaks through His Word. Maybe He has a specific verse or passage of Scripture He wants to place on your heart for this season.

Station 2: GIVE ME A NAME - God has some divine appointments for you, people He wants to see you invest in and/or share His love with.

Station 3: GIVE ME A BURDEN - There are things that break God’s heart. Maybe He wants to see your heart break, as well.

Station 4: WHAT IF? - God speaks through circumstances. Have you taken time to think about the situations, recurring themes, and unique opportunities God has placed in your path?

Station 5: VISION WALL - God “speaks” in pictures to us. This station is a place to listen and share some “I See…” statements.

Station 6: WRITE SOMEONE - As you listen to God, maybe He wants to speak through you to someone else.

Station 7: PRAYER OVER - God can use others to speak to us. There are leaders at this station available to pray over you.

Station 8: BE STILL - Find a spot to sit and be by yourself.

You can have students go for a set time to each station and rotate through (author recommendation), or you can set this up as a “free-for-all,” where you have the eight stations available and students go to the stations at their own pace and preference.

NOTE: This resource is included in "He Speaks," four nights of programming on hearing God's voice with a ton of extra goodies. Check it out here!

This Resource Includes:
• Editable station signs (.doc)
• PDF files of graphics and signs for some stations
• Manuscript for introducing the experience (.doc)
• Reproducible Student Workbook (.doc)
• Supply list for each station (.doc)

Derry Prenkert

Derry Prenkert

Derry is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran providing coaching, consulting, care, and content to starting, stuck, and struggling ministry leaders (primarily youth pastors).