Letters Bundle: Volume 2

Letters Bundle: Volume 2

GOLD members pay $5.20
16 proven letter templates


Writing a well-worded and persuasive letter requires more mental energy than available sometimes. If you've ever experienced the mental drain of writing letters, then this bundle is for you! This bundle offers 16 proven letter templates ready to go.

Letters Bundle Vol 2 Includes:
  • Are you interested in teaching?
  • Parent Class invitation
  • Letter to 20-somethings about serving
  • Letter to parents about teaching
  • Leadership meeting reminder
  • Thanks for speaking to our students
  • Thanks for leading a mentoring group
  • Thanks for the speaking invitation
  • Leadership meeting reminder
  • Celebration letter to leaders
  • Prospective leader letter
  • Professional recommendation
  • Thanks for your donation
  • Called to ministry recommendation
  • Information request
  • /images/profiles/m/_/m_lawson.jpeg

    Matt Lawson

    Matt began serving as Executive Pastor of First Baptist Woodstock in January 2022. Prior to this role, he served as the Chief Mobilization Officer for the North American Mission Board where he helped lead the charge to start new churches in North America. He also served for seven years as the founding pastor of Story City Church in Los Angeles, located in the heart of the entertainment industry. Before planting Story City Church, Matt worked in student ministry for 14 years, seeing thousands place their faith in Christ and hundreds sent on short-term missions. A South Carolina native and a graduate of Clemson University, Matt also earned a Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Laura, have been married for 15 years and have three children.