Lent Grow On Your Own Challenge

Lent Grow On Your Own Challenge

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This resource gives you 4 ideas to challenge your students to "grow on their own" by studying Jesus' last moves on earth during the 7 weeks of Lent leading up to Easter!


Doug's note: In typical Sabrina fashion, she not only delivers great content, she also adds her creative spin on communication. Her stuff is easy to re-teach and this is a simple way to expose students to Lent or build a series into Easter. 

This resource gives you 4 ideas to challenge your students to "grow on their own" by studying Jesus' last moves on earth during the 7 weeks of Lent leading up to and including Easter!

Idea #1: Use these 7 short sermons, reflection questions, and the devotional in your regular youth group programming to prepare students’ hearts for Easter and encourage them to "grow on their own."

Idea# 2: Make these short sermons into video teachings that you put up on your church’s website or YouTube and make this a family “grow on your own” challenge. Have families watch the weekly teaching video, use the discussion questions at the dinner table weekly, and encourage each member of the family to use the devotional throughout the week to reengage with Jesus’ last moves. 

Idea #3: Use the short sermon scripts to post a weekly Instagram Live or IGTV of just your message on a certain day throughout Lent. Encourage students to use the devotional at home to communicate “grow on your own.” 

Idea #4: Run a mini (15 Minute) "Youth Group Live" that many of us did during 2020 through Instagram as a “grow on your own” challenge. Make it as complex or as simple as you want. Tons more ideas and point system possibilities for this option included in this resource.

Jesus' Last Moves:
Week 1: Jesus Anointed @ Bethany (John 12:1-11)
Week 2: The Triumphant Entry John (12:12-50)
Week 3: The Last Supper's Foot Washing (John 13:1-17)
Week 4: Jesus' Heart to Heart With His Disciples (John 14-17)
Week 5: The Garden of Gethsemane 
(John 18:1-11)
Week 6: The Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial (John 18-19)
Week 7: Death No More: Easter (John 20)

This Resource Includes:

  • Detailed instructions with 4 ideas for how to use this "Lent Grow On Your Own Challenge"
  • 7 teaching scripts for short (3-5 minute/650-800 word) Lent messages for each of the 7 weeks of Lent including Easter
  • Printable devotional students can use to take notes and engage with the Scriptures throughout the 7 weeks
  • Reflection questions that can be used individually, within small groups, or for families
  • Ideas for how to creatively build out a full 10-minute Youth Group Instagram Live/IGTV weekly.
  • 68 Graphics for slides and social media!



Note from Author

About this Product
Your church doesn't have to officially "celebrate" Lent (mine doesn't) for this resource to be valuable in your ministry!
Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/featured-authors/sabrina-hadro/