
GOLD members pay $8.45
A 6-week series that examines false worldviews many students tend to hold and compares them to the truth of the gospel.


Editor's note: Really solid series that comes with a lot of helpful resources in addition to the sermons.

Doug's comment: Wow! There is so much in this series… this made me want to search for everything that Sabrina has submitted. Super content!

This six-week series has everything you need to help students and leaders examine five common worldviews, or "lenses," through which many people see the world, gently expose them as unfulfilling narratives for their lives, and seek to replace them with gospel truth. Each week, we look at an encounter with Jesus from the gospels, and includes a teaching script, outline, PowerPoint slides, small group discussion guide, game ideas, parent discussion guide, and plenty of graphics for social media.

Week 1: Intro to Lenses. Why do we need a new lens?
Week 2: “I am a good person. That’s the goal of life. I try harder to be better.”
Week 3: “I just want to be happy.”
Week 4: “I’m more connected when I’m plugged in.”
Week 5: “My faith is private.”
Week 6: “I decide what’s good for me-Y.O.L.O.” (Postmodernism).

This series is ideal for:
• Youth Group
• Small Groups
• Student Leadership Teams
• Retreats or Conferences

This Resource Includes:
• Teaching Scripts
• Teaching Outlines
• PowerPoint Slides
• Small Group Discussion Guides
• Parent Email and Discussion Guide
• Graphics for the series as well as for each week including the 'bottom line" from that week
• Game suggestions for each week as well as a giveaway idea
• 2 PowerPoint Game Slides
• Series Overview Document

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here: https://www.downloadyouthministry.com/featured-authors/sabrina-hadro/