Leaders Seek Wisdom from Past Generations

Leaders Seek Wisdom from Past Generations

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We learn in the Bible how important history is, mainly so that we seek wisdom from those who have come before us. Student leaders learn the importance of seeking that wisdom and learning from the past in this awesome leadership resource.


Our world today is driving the idea that we need to be good at everything we do, we aren’t allowed to fail, and past generations can't speak into current realities. These lies have invaded our culture and leadership, even church leadership. In churches, we have started believing this fiction that everything is "up to me" and the success or failure of a program or ministry rests on a single individual, the leader. However, no one can be good at everything. Failure is and will always be part of the leadership process. And past generations have a lot to teach us. The sooner your student leaders learn these truths, the better equipped they will be to change their culture.


Option 1: Use this in a Group Setting
In this Facilitator Guide, you will find instructions, time frames, and extra notes just for you. The student guide is in a separate file; be sure to make copies for each student in your group.

Option 2: Use this in a Mentoring Relationship, or for an individual student
Just make a copy of the Student Guide and give it (or send it) to the student (all the instructions they need are already there). If you are mentoring a student, make an extra copy of the Student Guide for yourself and walk alongside the student as he/she goes through this study.


Leader Treks