Leaders Are Faithful

Leaders Are Faithful

GOLD members pay $5.20
A look at Gideon, an unlikely and “unqualified” leader, whose leadership (and life) hinged on his faith.


Leadership requires faith. As Christ-followers, we’re called to be influencers who change the world, people who represent Jesus and lead others to know him. And while not every leadership task may seem to have Kingdom implications, how we go about those tasks does: selflessness, humility, devotion, representing Christ, and focusing on a bigger picture. In this lesson, Leaders Are People of Faith students will take a look at Gideon, an unlikely and “unqualified” leader, whose leadership (and life) hinged on his faith. Gideon had to look back at God’s track record in order to develop the kind of faith that took major risks.


Option 1: Use this in a Group Setting

Follow along in the Facilitator’s Guide and you’ll find instructions, time frames, and extra notes just for you.  The student handouts are on a separate file; be sure to make copies for each student in your group.

Option 2: Use this in a Mentoring Relationship or for an individual student. Just make a copy of the Student Handout and give it (or send it) to the student (all the instructions they need are already there).  If you are mentoring a student, just make an extra copy of the Student Handout for yourself and walk alongside the student as he/she goes through this study.

Here’s what’s included:
A word file AND a PDF for both the Facilitator guide and the Student worksheets


Leader Treks