Kingdom Small Group Series

Kingdom Small Group Series

GOLD members pay $10.07
A 5-week small group series on 1 Thessalonians, all about embracing your identity as children of God and your role in His kingdom!


Editor's note: This is an excellent, well-written, and practical small group series.

Doug's note: I'd buy everything Sabrina writes!

“Kingdom” is a five-week, gospel-centered small group series on the book of 1 Thessalonians. It has everything you need to empower your small group leaders to dive into a discussion about identity with their groups. It focuses on teaching students to read and interpret the Bible, yet it is extremely practical and engaging for students!

Series Big Idea: Embrace your true identity as a child of God and your role in His kingdom.

Week 1: Clash of Two Kingdoms
Big Idea: God’s kingdom is different than the world’s. Where does your allegiance lie?
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10, Acts 17:1–9

Week 2: Upside-Down Kingdom
Big Idea: The kingdom of God is upside down from the world's. It’s not about you; it’s about a relationship with Him.
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians 2:1–16, Acts 17:5–8, Matthew 5:17

Week 3: Kingdom Life Together
Big Idea: God’s Kingdom is a family and community of humility and love.
Scriptures: 1 Thessalonians. 3:1–13, Luke 6:32, Acts 2:42–47

Week 4: Citizens of the Kingdom
Big Idea: You are a citizen of God’s kingdom. That is your identity. Now, God is asking you to live a holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:1–12

Week 5: The Coming Kingdom
Big Idea: Jesus is coming back. What will you do in the meantime?
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:28

This Resource Includes:
•Series Overview Document
•5 Small Group Guides including (Goal, Big Idea, Leader Prep, Interpretation Tips, Icebreaker Questions, Digging Into the Word Prompt, Plenty of Discussion Questions, Challenge, Prayer Prompters, and Sample Text Messages For Follow Up)
•5 Hands-On Activities For Small Groups
•5 Games That Actually Go With The Lesson
•A Parent Email AND Discussion Guide
•Amazing graphics for the series and each week

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina Hadro

Sabrina has been doing youth ministry in various sized churches, roles, and denominations for over 15 years. Right now her first job is momma to 3 little kids but she still loves discipling teenagers and creating resources to help other youth workers win! You can find all her DYM resources here:

Jordan Floro