Ketchup Versus Mustard

Ketchup Versus Mustard

Price reduced from $5.50 to $2.75
GOLD members pay $3.57
Do your students like ketchup? Do they like mustard? Do they like both or neither? Either way, this trivia screen game will test their knowledge of these two greatest of all condiments.


When you think of summer, you think of sunshine, hot weather, picnics, hot dogs, and yes... ketchup and mustard. Even if you don't like either, they are both staples when it comes to summer foods.

This trivia screen game will test your student's knowledge of the subject matter. It will work very well in so many settings such as a weekly youth night, a camp or retreat, or an outreach event because the focus is on a universal subject that everyone is familiar with. Games like this allow new students to feel comfortable and can engage in the fun.

This game can be played as an up-front contestant game, a player vs player up-front game, an all-play crowd game while sitting in seats, and an all-play game where students choose a side of the room for their answers.

All in all, this game will bring some lift to your program!

This Resource Includes:

  • Complete PowerPoint game file
  • Individual (10 Q&A + instructions) game slides (jpeg files)
  • Title slide (jpeg file)


Note from Author

About this Product
Play upbeat summer songs in the background such as those from The Beach Boys. For prizes, give away bottles of mustard and ketchup!!!
Matt Baker

Matt Baker

Campus Pastor at Hope City Church in Edmonton, AB, and aspiring WWE Champion (not really).